Heritage Elementary School

Welcome to our school's website,
It is an honor to serve as the Principal of Heritage Elementary. We have a great school. Our building is beautiful, our staff is dedicated, our parents are involved and our students are the best around.
At Heritage, we try to teach all students that it is important to be Good Patriots. A Patriot is someone who is loyal and dedicated to their contry, or in this case to their school. I have told our students that there arecertain things that Good Patriots do:
Good Patriots....show up, work hard, follow the rules, never give up, and care about others.
It is my hope and prayer that while at Heritage, each of our students will develop a love of learning and the self confidence and motivation they need to be successful in life. We have much work to do, and it will take effort from all of us to see Heritage become the number one school in the state. Out students deserve no less. We can do it if we do it together. Remember, Good Patriots work hard and never give up, so let's get to it.
Mr. J.C. Perkins, principal

School hours are 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Students cannot be dropped off before 7:20 a.m.

Our school opened at the beginning of the 2000-01 school year as a consolidation of Hitchins and Willard schools. We are located on Route 1 south of Grayson.