Heritage Elementary School

Helpful Links
Library Hours
A.R. News
Checkout Policy
Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Mrs. Simmons can be contacted by email at: kayla.simmons@carter.kyschools.us
Kindergarten and 1st grade students are allowed 1 book check out a week. 1st graders check out an additional paperback after Christmas Break.
All 2nd-5th grade students are allowed to check out 2 books at a time. They have scheduled checkout twice per week. (During library block class and early morning checkout/renewal day).
The library policy states that if any books are lost or damaged beyond repair they must be paid for by the student before checking out additional library materials. Book care lessons will be taught and reminder notices sent home for overdue books. Thank you for helping us ensure the students of Heritage have library books to read and enjoy! :)